Black Capped chikadee
Great Gray Owl Flyby
Gray/Canadian Jay
Snowy Owl flyby
Black Capped Chickadee closeup
American Robin
American Robin
Common Loon from a kayak
Canadian or Gray Jay
Gray Partridge in the snow
Great Gray Owl flyby in the frosty woods
Great Horned Owlet
Green Heron
Horned Lark in the snow
Horned Lark
Common Loon
Common Loon
Common Loon
Magpie on wing
Northern Flicker
Barred owl on a snowy morning
Barred Owl Stare down
Great Horned Owl
Phesant in flight
Prairie Chicken fight
Sandhill Crane
Saw-whet Owl hiding in the leaves
saw-whet owl
Scarlet Tangier
Snowy Owl on a power pole
Western Meadowlark singing in the rain
Wood Duck with ice
Wood Duck
Yellow headed Blackbird
Pheasant with tail up
Pheasant normal view
Pheasant backside